– Siapa yang tidak asing dengan lagu Televonia, Elastic Hearts, dan Alexandra ? Yap, ketiga lagu tersebut merupakan lagu karya Band Reality Club, grup musik indie rock asal Indonesia yang dibentuk pada tahun 2016.
Perjalanan karir Band Reality Club dari awal debut hingga sekarang telah menciptakan tempat tersendiri di hati para penggemarnya. Khususnya untuk lagu Is It The Answer & Anything You Want, lagu itu membuktikan pencapaian dari Band Reality Club yang telah membuat kesan indah di telinga para fansnya.
Tak disangka, Reality Club rupanya hadir di acara Smansa Fair yang ke-18. Pihak panitia mengundang grup musik tersebut sebagai bintang tamu dan main performance di acara itu. Undangan dari panitia pelaksana itu, diharapkan dapat menaikkan kemeriahan dari kualitas acara yang diselenggarakan pada Kamis, (9/05/2024).
Sebelum manggung di acara Smansa Fair ke- 18, Reality Club ternyata baru kembali dari agenda North America Tours. Ketimpangan suasana dari kedua negara tempat mereka tampil rupanya terasa setelah tiba di Indonesia.
Fathia Izzati dan beberapa personil band lainnya mengungkapkan apa yang menjadi perbedaan saat manggung di Indonesia dan Amerika pada sesi wawancara oleh jurnalis pada Kamis, (9/05/2024).
“And benar kami baru balik dari North America Tours, vibesnya beda.” kata Fathia Izzati.
“I think vibes bedanya for me is more like, pas main di Indo lagi tuh kayak this is home, ada kayak rasa apa ya? comfort and also kangennya. so, ya for me that.” ungkap Faiz Novascotia Saripudin selaku gitaris Reality Club.
“Paling kita udah kebiasaan sama iklim sana, jadi ketemu tropis lagi, eee.. gua di kamar aja dah.” ujar personil lainnya .
Smansa Fair ke- 18 merupakan acara tahunan sekolah SMAN 1 Kota Serang. Panggung Smansa Fair biasanya diisi oleh penampilan kreatif para Siswa/I sekolah dan juga bintang tamu yang diundang ke panggung tersebut.
Lihat juga: Reality Club Akan Keluarkan Album ke-3 dan Berencana Adakan Homecoming Tour
Untuk tahun ini, tahun 2024, Smansa Fair mengusung tema Develop Your Creativity and Show How Beautiful Your Culture Is. Acara ini dibutuhkan lama persiapan sekitaran 4 bulan. Penampilan yang disuguhkan kepada penonton cukup beragam, mulai dari dance, grup musik sekolah, hingga penampilan utama dari bintang tamu.
Acara Smansa Fair ke -18 dilaksanakan dengan tertib dan meriah. Berkat pengamanan dari pihak panitia dan para penonton yang antusias mengikuti acara hingga selesai. Diperkuat pula oleh dukungan dari pihak sekolah SMAN 1 Kota Serang dan juga sponsor yang telah membantu kelancaran jalannya acara ini.
English Version – Who is not familiar with the songs Televonia, Elastic Hearts, and Alexandra? Yep, those three songs are the works of the Reality Club Band, an indie rock music group from Indonesia that was formed in 2016.
The career journey of the Reality Club Band from their debut to the present has created a special place in the hearts of their fans. Especially for the songs Is It The Answer & Anything You Want, these songs prove the achievements of the Reality Club Band that have made a beautiful impression in the ears of their fans.
Unexpectedly, the Reality Club appeared at the 18th Smansa Fair. The committee invited the music group as a guest star and main performance at the event. The invitation from the committee is expected to increase the excitement of the quality of the event held on Thursday, (9/05/2024).
Before performing at the 18th Smansa Fair, the Reality Club had just returned from the North America Tours. The disparity of the atmosphere from the two countries where they performed was felt after arriving in Indonesia.
Fathia Izzati and several other band members revealed what the difference was when performing in Indonesia and America in an interview session by journalists on Thursday, (9/05/2024).
“And indeed we just returned from North America Tours, the vibes are different,” said Fathia Izzati.
“I think the vibes difference for me is more like, when playing in Indo again it’s like this is home, there’s like a feeling of what? comfort and also missing it. so, yes for me that,” revealed Faiz Novascotia Saripudin as the guitarist of Reality Club.
“Most likely we’re used to the climate there, so when we meet the tropics again, eee.. I’m just in my room,” said another member.
The 18th Smansa Fair is an annual event of SMAN 1 Serang City School. The Smansa Fair stage is usually filled with creative performances from the school’s students and also guest stars who are invited to the stage.
For this year, 2024, Smansa Fair carries the theme Develop Your Creativity and Show How Beautiful Your Culture Is. The event took a long preparation of about 4 months. The performances presented to the audience are quite diverse, ranging from dance, school music groups, to the main performance of the guest star.
The 18th Smansa Fair event was carried out orderly and festively. Thanks to the security from the committee and the enthusiastic audience who followed the event to the end. Also strengthened by the support from SMAN 1 Serang City School and also sponsors who have helped the smooth running of this event.
Writer : Muhammad Rasyad Amrullah
Editor : Nugrahhadi Al Khawarizmi
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