Unjuk rasa dilakukan untuk mengawal putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi nomor 60 dan 70 tahun 2024 tentang ambang batas pencalonan di Pilkada Serentak 2024.
Isi Draf RUU Pilkada
Putusan MK Nomor 60/RUU-XXII/2024 menetapkan bahwa ambang batas (threshold) pencalonan kepala daerah tidak lagi sebesar 25 persen perolehan suara parpol/gabungan parpol pada Pileg DPRD sebelumnya, atau sebesar 20 persen kursi di DPRD.
Dalam putusan terbaru, threshold pencalonan kepala daerah dari parpol disamakan dengan pencalonan kepala daerah jalur independen. Untuk pencalonan Gubernur Jakarta, partai politik cukup memperoleh 7,5% suara pada Pileg sebelumnya.
Sementara itu, dalam putusan Nomor 70/RUU-XII/2024, MK menetapkan syarat usia minimum Cagub-Cawagub adalah 30 tahun.
Merespons putusan MK, Badan Legislatif DPR RI segera mengadakan rapat untuk menganulir keputusan tersebut. DPR membentuk Panitia Kerja (Panja) untuk merevisi UU Pilkada.
Badan Legislatif DPR RI berupaya mencari celah dalam putusan MK yang melonggarkan threshold pencalonan kepala daerah, dengan mengubahnya agar berlaku bagi parpol yang tidak memiliki kursi di DPRD.
Singkatnya, Pasal 40 ayat (1) UU Pilkada yang mengatur ambang batas 20 persen kursi DPRD atau 25 persen suara sah pada Pileg masih berlaku bagi partai politik yang memiliki kursi di parlemen.
DPR juga menganulir putusan MK terkait syarat usia minimal calon kepala daerah. Mereka menetapkan bahwa syarat usia calon kepala daerah dihitung pada saat pelantikan, bukan saat pencalonan sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh MK.
RUU Pilkada seharusnya disahkan pada 22/8/2024 melalui rapat paripurna. Namun, pengesahannya ditunda karena jumlah anggota rapat yang hadir tidak memenuhi kuorum.
Pembatalan RUU Pilkada
Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Wakil Ketua DPR RI, memastikan pengesahan RUU Pilkada dibatalkan dan putusan MK tentang Pilkada akan berlaku.
“Yang akan berlaku adalah keputusan JR (Judicial Review) MK yang mengabulkan gugatan Partai Buruh dan Partai Gelora,” ujar Dasco.
Pembatalan RUU Pilkada dilakukan dengan alasan yang jelas. Isi RUU Pilkada ternyata tidak sesuai dengan putusan MK yang diresmikan pada Selasa (20/8/2024) tentang syarat pencalonan Pilkada.
Gagalnya peresmian RUU Pilkada rancangan Badan Legislatif DPR RI juga disebabkan oleh kurangnya anggota DPR yang hadir dalam rapat yang diselenggarakan pada Kamis (22/8/2024).
Desakan dari khalayak juga menjadi dorongan utama untuk membatalkan penetapan RUU Pilkada. Massa dari berbagai golongan dan kelompok menggelar aksi unjuk rasa di area Kompleks Parlemen DPR RI dan MK.
English Version
Contents of the Regional Election Bill Draft
The Constitutional Court’s Decision Number 60/RUU-XXII/2024 stipulates that the nomination threshold for regional heads is no longer 25 percent of the votes obtained by political parties/coalitions in the previous Regional Legislative Council election, or 20 percent of the seats in the Regional Legislative Council.
In the latest decision, the nomination threshold for regional heads from political parties is equated with the nomination of regional heads through the independent path. For the nomination of Jakarta Governor, political parties only need to obtain 7.5% of the votes in the previous legislative election.
Meanwhile, in Decision Number 70/RUU-XII/2024, the Constitutional Court set the minimum age requirement for Governor and Deputy Governor candidates at 30 years.
Responding to the Constitutional Court’s decision, the Legislative Body of the Indonesian House of Representatives immediately held a meeting to nullify the decision. The House formed a Working Committee (Panja) to revise the Regional Election Law.
The Legislative Body of the Indonesian House of Representatives sought to find loopholes in the Constitutional Court’s decision that loosened the nomination threshold for regional heads, by changing it to apply to political parties that do not have seats in the Regional Legislative Council.
In short, Article 40 paragraph (1) of the Regional Election Law, which regulates the threshold of 20 percent of Regional Legislative Council seats or 25 percent of valid votes in the legislative election, still applies to political parties that have seats in parliament.
The House also nullified the Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the minimum age requirement for regional head candidates. They stipulated that the age requirement for regional head candidates is calculated at the time of inauguration, not at the time of nomination as stipulated by the Constitutional Court.
The Regional Election Bill was supposed to be ratified on 22/8/2024 through a plenary meeting. However, its ratification was postponed because the number of members present at the meeting did not meet the quorum.
Cancellation of the Regional Election Bill
Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, ensured that the ratification of the Regional Election Bill was cancelled and the Constitutional Court’s decision on Regional Elections will apply.
“What will apply is the JR (Judicial Review) decision of the Constitutional Court that granted the lawsuit of the Labor Party and the Gelora Party,” said Dasco.
The cancellation of the Regional Election Bill was done for clear reasons. The contents of the Regional Election Bill turned out to be inconsistent with the Constitutional Court’s decision formalized on Tuesday (20/8/2024) regarding the requirements for Regional Election nominations.
The failure to ratify the Regional Election Bill drafted by the Legislative Body of the Indonesian House of Representatives was also due to the lack of House members present at the meeting held on Thursday (22/8/2024).
Pressure from the public also became a major impetus to cancel the enactment of the Regional Election Bill. Masses from various groups held protest actions in the area of the Indonesian House of Representatives and Constitutional Court Complex.
Writer: Muhammad Rasyad Amrullah
Editor: Nugrahhadi Al Khawarizmi